“Santa Daddy” by Alyssa Hart and Rayanna Jamison (review)

Santa Daddy Book Cover Santa Daddy
Fantastical Daddy Doms #3
Alyssa Hart, Rayanna Jamison
Holiday, romantic comedy, fantasy
Amazon.com Services LLC
November 25, 2018
Kindle Unlimited

My most important job as Santa is to rid the world of non-believers of all ages. But first, I have to make one of them my wife.

Crystal spent her entire life avoiding Christmas, and I have only two weeks to convince her otherwise. She is stubborn, but I am determined.

She will learn the magic of Christmas either on Santa’s lap, or over it.

The fate of Christmas depends on it.


Santa Daddy is a sexy holiday romantic comedy you don’t need to wait for the holidays to read. There were so many funny lines I’ve highlighted from this book.

When I first stumbled upon Santa Daddy, it was shortly after the Christmas season. There’s no rule you can’t read Christmas books off-season. I thought, “What the heck, why not read it?” It had a small premise, but the enticing cover lured me into reading (just putting it out there).

Who’s Santa Daddy?

Authors Alyssa Hart and Rayanna Jamison start their story with Santa Claus’ son Yule. Recently, he has turned 39, and it’s time for him to step into his father’s shoes. But first, he must have a Mrs. Claus, and she has to believe in the Christmas spirit. The problem: the woman he finds doesn’t believe in any of that Christmas bruhaha. Yule has until Christma to convince his future wife before his time is up.

Meanwhile, Crystal has no idea why a man dressed up as Santa Claus has mysteriously broken into her house. The strange man known as Yule claims to be the son of Santa or whatever. She’s not putting up with the crap—all she wants is to spend the holidays alone like she always does. With Yule hanging out, she develops a change of heart as she starts to see the real Christmas magic manifesting right before her very eyes.

Book Verdict: Loved It!

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I loved Santa Daddy!  I loved the pacing, I loved the characters, the Christmas magic, everything. I loved Yule, especially. He’s a jolly fellow with eternal patience for the stubborn Crystal. Crystal has the holiday blues and for a good reason due to her troubling past.  She well-deserved a cheerful guy like Yule to put an extra pep in her step.

Memorable Quotes from Santa Daddy

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Now for some memorable quotes from Santa Daddy. Here’s a sneak peek:

Crystal and a policeman’s conversation after Yule appears and spanks her:

“I cannot arrest him for assault, ma’am, without, ahem evidence of some assault. Did he hurt you? Are there bruises? If so, we will need to step into the other room and document them for our report.’

Crystal gaped at him as the meaning of the words sank into her brain. ‘You mean you want to take pictures of my ass? You can’t be serious?”

Crystal going down on Yule:

“Oh! You taste like candy cane!”

“Do I? I chuckled. Well, they are my favorite food group. I eat a lot of them.”

“No, I mean you taste exactly like a candy cane. It’s like a hint or an essence. Your dick is practically candy coated. Like for real.”

Yule enjoying his time “punishing” Crystal:

“Spanking her had been more fun than I had imagined it would be. My father was definitely onto something, not that I wanted to think about, because, ew, that involved my mom!”


Santa Daddy is a sweetly sensual, magical romance that’ll put you in the holiday spirit any time of the year. It’s the book you’d pick up when you need your spirits lifted, and the Hallmark channel is not cutting it.

After reading this book, I’m contemplating on reading the rest of the Fantastical Daddy Doms series. They have one with Cupid, a genie, and an ogre. They should be good!

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